Front Seat Theft
Dear Miss
Grace Notes: I'm skilled enough to sit on the front
bench, and at a recent convention I returned to my seat after a
few songs' absence to find someone else sitting there. Weren't
they being rude? ----
and Miffed About It
Gentle Singer: No. Truly
not. I trust you were gracious in reclaiming your seat, and they
were equally gracious in giving it back to you? Please forgive
them the appearance of theft, but they only had the well-being of
the class in mind. At well-done singings close observation will
reveal that when a front-bench singer is called to lead, another
singer from the 2nd row (usually someone on the end) will slide
into the vacant seat for the duration of the lesson and then
return when it is finished. Thus a front-bench "hole" is not
permitted for even the length of one song, much less the "few
songs" of your absence.
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