The Front Row
Dear Miss
Grace Notes: I am a tenor, a recent convert to this music
-- three glorious months! After I learned that you get the best
sound when you get as close to the center of the square as you
can, I made a point of sitting front row center at every all-day
singing I attend. Sometimes, of course, I enjoy sitting back and
watching and listening; often I must get up to stretch my legs.
Recently someone I thought was my friend suggested to me that I
move to an end of the front row or even to the second row. I like
to be where the sound is best. What should I do? ----
Gentle Singer: Miss Grace
Notes suggests that you ask yourself one question: Can I carry my
part on all songs at least as well as any of the other singers
present? If you can answer that question "yes," you may stay where
you are.
This is a subject dear to Miss Grace Notes' heart.
She asks you to remember the first time you were called to the
center of the square. If you are like most new singers, your knees
got weak, you felt a little tingly and dizzy, your hands began to
shake, and you began to wonder how you were going to manage to
hold the book, sing and wave your arm (how was it again that one
beats 3/4 time?). Miss Grace Notes hopes you remember what it was
like to look up and see the confident and downright encouraging
expression of the singers in the front bench -- probably Hugh
McGraw, Jeff Sheppard, Kelly Beard, Terry Wootten, Stanley Smith,
Richard DeLong, or any one of a number of good singers, maybe even
one of those Yankee mavericks. If so, you can see Miss Grace
Notes' point.
The front bench of any part (with the possible
exception of the alto section behind you) can help the new singer
out, all benches help keep the beat for the entire class, sing out
sure and strong, and generally help to hold a singing together, to
make it a memorable experience. Miss Grace Notes assures you that
while the singers on the front bench always seem to have a good
time, they work hard. Most strong singers will not occupy the same
seat all day unless they are truly needed there. Knowing that the
front bench seat carries an obligation to go "all out" on every
song, after a time they will offer their seat to others, and move
to another seat further back. Singers who know few songs are
rightfully wary of spending too much time on a front bench during
the day; common sense suggests one singing period.
Miss Grace Notes knows that you are a lover of Sacred
Harp music. She suggests you watch and learn from the long-time
singers. when you are ready for the front bench, you will be
invited up. Until then, Miss Grace Notes suggests that you let the
experienced singers, whatever part they sing, do what they do
best, where they can be seen and heard by all. Everyone --
regardless of level of experience -- is best served when an
all-day singing is strong and sounds great.
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